5 Things to Know This Morning

5 Things to Know This Morning

ByABC News
May 19, 2014, 5:57 AM

May 19, 2014— -- Your look at the five biggest and most buzz-worthy stories of the morning.

1. Michael Jackson’s Hologram Rocks the House at Billboard Music Awards 2014

Nearly five years after his death, a virtual Michael Jackson took to the stage at the 2014 Billboard Music Awards and wowed his fans.

A remarkably life-like hologram of the King of Pop performed “Slave to the Rhythm,” a song from his second posthumously released album, “Xscape.”

2. Transgender Couple Photographs Their Opposite Transitions

Transgender artists Zackary Drucker and Rhys Ernst are transitioning in opposite directions and have captured their individual transformations in the "Relationship" series, a collection of photographs on exhibit as part of Biennial 2014 at The Whitney Museum of American Art from March 7 to May 25.

The photo series is an intimate diary of the couple's love affair and their gender identity transitions -- Drucker from male to female and Ernst from female to male. The photos span five years of their relationship from 2008 to 2013. The photographs include tender embraces, their bandaged bodies from hormone injections and also shots of Drucker's growing breasts.

PHOTO: Rhys Ernst and Zackary Drucker, from the 'Relationship' series.
Rhys Ernst and Zackary Drucker, from the 'Relationship' series (2008-2013) at the Whitney Museum.

3. Jay Z and Beyonce’s New Release

What elevator fight?

Jay Z and Beyonce have released a new star-studded video, “Run,” showing off the duo as a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde. The video comes ahead of the couple’s summer music tour.

4. Karl Rove Wants Hillary Clinton to ‘Cough Up Those Medical Records’

GOP strategist Karl Rove doubled down Sunday on his doubts about Hillary Clinton’s health, which last week drew a sharp rebuke from former President Bill Clinton.

“The Center for Disease Control says a concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury,” Rove told his roundtable mates on “Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace,” all of whom took issue, at varying degrees, with the former George W. Bush adviser’s comments, reported in a headline by the New York Post’s “Page Six,” that “Hillary may have brain damage” from a 2012 concussion.

“I’m not questioning her health. What I’m questioning is whether or not it’s a done deal that she’s running, and she would not be human if she … did not take this into consideration,” Rove said while dodging fire for his comments. “She’ll be 69 at the time of the 2016 election. If she gets elected and serves two terms, she’ll be 77.”

Republican strategist Karl Rove speaks in Sacramento, Calif., March 3, 2013.|Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks in Washington, May 14, 2014.

5. Merriam-Webster Adds Da 'Yoopers' to Dictionary

Da "Yoopers" up dere in da U.P., Michigan's Upper Peninsula, have hit it big with inclusion of their nickname in Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and the company's free online database.

The moniker for native or longtime residents of the Lake Superior region known for a distinctive manner of speaking and its Scandinavian roots was among 150 new words announced Monday by the Springfield, Massachusetts, company.

The update of the Collegiate's 11th edition has pleased Yooper Steve Parks, the prosecutor in Delta County, Michigan, who pushed for more than a decade to have the word recognized by Merriam-Webster. He and others splashed their joy online when news of the higher profile spread back in March.

"People up here, we really do have our own identity and our own culture," Parks said by phone. "We're a really hardy bunch. We love the land, we love the lakes, we love hunting, we love fishing. You have to be very resilient to live up here."


1. World News Now Headlines: Monday, May 19, 2014

2. Jay Z and Beyonce Release Trailer for New Tour

3. Man Captures Shark Attack on Video

4. Joe De Sena Challenges Extreme Athletes

5. Al Ferri Celebrates 50 Years at ABC News