Woman Asks Thieves to Return Late Husband's Ashes

Family's entire safe stolen from garage.

ByABC News
November 16, 2014, 10:13 AM

— -- A Washington woman is hoping police catch the thieves who took a safe containing the ashes of her husband.

Dede Thomason said a 400-pound safe was stolen from her garage last month, according to ABC News affiliate KOMO-TV in Seattle.

While the thieves nabbed precious jewels like Thomason's engagement ring and her grandmother’s engagement ring, they also took a small white box that contained the remains of her late husband.

"I don't think (the thieves) had any idea that's what they were taking," she said. "But once they realized it, I think they should've found a way to get those back."

Thomason's husband Clint died suddenly at age 52, she told KOMO. She said there's probably no way the thieves could have realized what was in the safe when they took it.

Dede Thomason said thieves stole a small box containing her husband's ashes.