Wisconsin Fishing Buds Reel in 60-Year-Old 6-Pack of Beer

Budweiser officials estimate the cans are over 60 years old.

ByABC News
May 2, 2016, 1:46 PM

— -- Christian Burzynski, Adam Graves and Andy Holst have been fishing in Wisconsin's Wolf River for a very long time. Their fishing rods have brought in a whole lot of junk over the years, but one surprise catch last month is still making headlines.

"We were amazed to see that what we pulled up was a six-pack of Budweiser," Graves, 33, told ABC News. "We couldn't believe it when we pulled it up because it is such an usual find."

The rusty cans show decades-old wear and tear of a rough time in deep waters. They weren't strong enough to hold their liquor, but the empty cans were weighed down with sand, and that made for a little extra effort to reel in the prized catch.

"All of us looked like, 'What the hell is that?,' Burzynski, 47, told ABC News. "It was kinda crazy to see these old cans. All six of the plastic rings were still intact."

"We posted it to an outdoor news Facebook page called Grim Outdoors," Graves said. "It was shared over 1,000 times."

Andy Holst holds the Budweiser beer cans he and friends caught in Wisconsin's Wolf River on April 17. Budweiser officials say the cans, caught in Wisconsin's Wolf River, date back to at least 60 years.
Courtesy Adam Graves

All but one can was still attached to the bunch, Graves said. Also partially intact were their labels to reveal their brand. The fishermen say Budweiser officials estimate the cans are over 60 years old. Budweiser did not immediately respond to ABC News' request for comment.

Had the cans still been sealed, with the beer inside, Burzynski said he would have definitely raised a glass.

"I'm that type of guy who would say, 'Hey, let's go for it,' Burzynski said with a laugh.

As for Graves, he said he wasn't so sure he would go for it, unless there was a bet on the table. "Maybe if money was involved," Graves joked.

The men say they plan to keep the cans as a souvenir; something to show to their kids.