Do You Think the State of the Union Speech Is Important? Why?

"World News" wants to know what you think.

ByABC News
January 27, 2010, 6:15 AM

Jan. 27, 2010— -- It's an American tradition -- the State of the Union has its roots in the Constitution and the televised address has become a fixture of the modern presidency. Tonight President Obama delivers his first State of the Union to a divided Congress and dissatisfied nation, eight days after the election for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat jolted Democrats. The stakes are high -- he must reassure Americans that he understands their fears about the economy and signal to Democrats that he understands the political peril they're in.

A White House representative said today that Obama will not be shy about admitting mistakes, but will it be enough? We're asking you today: Do You Think the State of the Union Speech Is Important? Why?