The Conversation: Health Care End Game In Sight?

ABC's John Berman talks health care with ABC's Rick Klein.

ByABC News
March 12, 2010, 8:42 AM

March 12, 20101— -- President Obama has delayed his trip to Indonesia for at least three days so that he can stay here and focus on passing a health care bill. The president has been making a last-minute push for health care legislation all week, pressuring members of his own party and directing harsh words at insurance companies.

Obama told Democratic lawmakers that the time to pass the bill is now, and they shouldn't worry about political consequences in the upcoming mid-term elections.

Passage of the bill hinges on a two-step legislative maneuver -- the House would pass the Senate's version of the bill to avoid a Republican filibuster. Lawmakers could then adjust the bill later. But there are still plenty of hurdles for lawmakers to overcome.

Will the president's decision to delay his trip make a difference on the Hill? What are the chances of a bill passing? ABC's John Berman talks it over with Rick Klein, who writes ABC's "The Note," in today's Conversation.