Retracing the Steps of the Nomads

An adventurer retraces the steps of the nomads with 11 horses.

ByABC News
October 1, 2007, 7:08 PM

Oct.1, 2007 — -- Not since 1241, when Genghis Khan and his descendants laid claim to their vast empire, has anyone successfully crossed the 6,200-mile Mongol territory in one single journey.

Until Sept. 22, 2007, that is, when Tim Cope, a writer, filmmaker and adventurer from Gippsland, Victoria in Australia, cruised into Opusztaszer, Hungary, accompanied by his three horses and dog, Tigon.

"Last week, I took the last steps on a journey that's taken me three years and three months, from Mongolia to Hungary, on a horse," said Cope in an interview with ABC News. "It is very difficult to explain what it was like to take those last steps, because this journey became my life."

Originally intended to be an 18-month expedition, the journey, which began in Mongolia in June 2004, took Cope through the harsh conditions of the Eurasian steppe, which stretches from Mongolia to Hungary, and boasts one of the harshest climates in the world.

With the help of his compass and GPS, Cope and his menagerie traversed the ice-capped Altai Mountains, the frozen wilderness of the starvation steppe of Kazakhstan, the blistering Kazakh deserts, the black coast of Crimea, and finally, the more temperate plains of Hungary.

"When I set off, I planned the journey would take round about a year and a half. Three years and three months later, of course, I arrived. From day one, the plan basically evaporated," Cope said. "In the end, I had to deal with much more than I ever imagined."

Already fluent in Russian, Cope picked up the Kazakh and Mongol dialects along the way, ingesting as much of the local culture and countryside as he could. "I wanted to get to know the landscape intimately. The best times of this journey were when I was out alone with the horses, blue sky overhead, with a bit of breeze, just moving toward the horizon."

Once on the road, Cope forced himself to take his time. "The greatest challenge was really having patience, and resisting the urge to panic, and rush and worry.  It took so much patience to travel in these extremes, often with very, very difficult conditions," he said.

During his three-year voyage, Cope endured many hardships, including a terrifying night surrounded by a pack of hungry, howling wolves, and the loss of his beloved Tigon, whom he later found, and nursed back to health with the help of raw eggs and vodka.