'What Would You Do?' episode recap: Teens verbally abuse homeless person, thief steals gas out of cars

A recap of a "What Would You Do?" episode with host ABC's John Quiñones.

ByABC News
September 26, 2017, 10:24 AM

— -- Here is a recap of the Friday, Sept. 22, episode of "What Would You Do?" with ABC's John Quiñones:

What Would You Do: Pickpocket -- At a bar a man snatches a woman’s purse hung on her chair. Will anyone say something? What happens when the thief is a woman? Watch what happens:

At a bar a man snatches a woman's purse hung on her chair. Will anyone say something? What happens when the thief is a woman?

What Would You Do: Thief snatches purse

At a bar a man snatches a woman's purse hung on her chair. Will anyone say something? What happens when the thief is a woman?

What Would You Do: Homeless Attacks: Three teen boys are verbally and emotionally abusing a homeless man. How will passersby react? What are the reactions when the homeless person is a woman? Watch what happens:

Three teen boys are verbally and emotionally abusing a homeless man. How will passersby react? What are the reactions when the homeless person is a woman?

What Would You Do: Teen boys verbally, emotionally abuse homeless person

Three teen boys are verbally and emotionally abusing a homeless man. How will passersby react? What are the reactions when the homeless person is a woman?

What Would You Do: Parallel Parker from Hell: While parallel parking, a motorist slams her car into the car parked directly behind them, knocks the front bumper off of that car and leaves the scene. What will witnesses do? What happens when the bad parker is a man? Watch what happens:

While parallel parking, a motorist slams her car into the car parked directly behind them, knocks the front bumper off of that car and leaves the scene.

What Would You Do: motorist hits car while parallel parking

While parallel parking, a motorist slams her car into the car parked directly behind them, knocks the front bumper off of that car and leaves the scene.

What Would You Do: Latino Day Laborer: When two Latino men place an order in Spanish at a store they are met by extreme prejudice from the cashier. Will the other customers speak up? Watch what happens:

When two Latino men place an order in Spanish at a store they are met by extreme prejudice from the cashier. Will the other customers speak up?

What Would You Do: Latino men met with prejudice after placing order

When two Latino men place an order in Spanish at a store they are met by extreme prejudice from the cashier. Will the other customers speak up?

What Would You Do: Gas Theft: At a gas station someone is stealing gas from another customer when that customer steps away from the pump. Will any of the witnesses speak up? Watch what happens:

At a gas station someone is stealing gas from another customer when that customer steps away from the pump. Will any of the witnesses speak up?

What Would You Do: Thief steals gas out of cars

At a gas station someone is stealing gas from another customer when that customer steps away from the pump. Will any of the witnesses speak up?