Extraordinary Earth
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5 years ago

Extraordinary Earth: These harp seal pups rely on ice floes in northwest Atlantic

Climate change is affecting how these harp seal pups live.
5 years ago
Closeup of a baby harp seal on an ice floe in the middle of the northwest Atlantic.
5 years ago

Extraordinary Earth: How harp seal pups rely on ice floes in the Northwest Atlantic

Warmer temperatures are becoming increasingly threatening to the survival of harp seal pups.
5 years ago
VIDEO: Extraordinary Earth: How harp seal pups rely on ice floes in the Northwest Atlantic
5 years ago

Here's how climate change is thinning out ice and threatening baby seals

T.J. Holmes gets up close to harp seal pups, which rely on the ice floes around Prince Edward Island.
5 years ago
VIDEO: Here's how climate change is thinning out ice and threatening baby seals
5 years ago

Rare glimpse at harp seal pups in Canada

National Geographic and “GMA” take a close look at the stunning ice floe where harp seals have their pups 100 miles north of Prince Edward Island.
5 years ago
VIDEO: Rare glimpse at harp seal pups in Canada
5 years ago

‘Extraordinary Earth’ explores Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe

ABC News chief meteorologist Ginger Zee is exploring 20 of the world's most beautiful and vulnerable places to understand how our changing climate is affecting the planet.
5 years ago
VIDEO: ‘Extraordinary Earth’ explores Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe
5 years ago

What Victoria Falls can teach us about the effects of climate change

As our planet changes, so do the falls, which can affect wildlife and nearby villages.
5 years ago
VIDEO: What Victoria Falls can teach us about the effects of climate change
5 years ago

The technology that helps keep sea turtles thriving in Nicaragua

As environmental threats increase, conservation efforts are helping protect sea turtles in Nicaragua, where their numbers are dwindling because of human threats.
5 years ago
VIDEO: The technology that helps keep sea turtles thriving in Nicaragua
5 years ago

How climate change affects coffee bean production in Nicaragua

Many coffee drinkers don't think twice about where their coffee comes from, but it's a process that often starts in Nicaragua, where climate whiplash has been affecting production.
5 years ago
VIDEO: How climate change affects coffee bean production in Nicaragua
5 years ago

Live look at volcano lava lake in Nicaragua

National Geographic and “GMA” teamed up to explore Masaya Volcano in Nicaragua, one of only eight of these lakes on the entire planet, and share a rare close-up view.
5 years ago
VIDEO: Live look at volcano lava lake in Nicaragua
5 years ago

Extraordinary Earth: How Nicaragua's Masaya Volcano helps cool the planet

In the countdown to the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, "GMA" and our partner Nat Geo present "Extraordinary Earth: 20 in 2020."
5 years ago
Lava inside the Masaya volcano bubbles from the crater, near Managua, Nicaragua.
5 years ago

Extraordinary Earth: What Victoria Falls can teach us about effects of climate change

In the countdown to the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, "GMA" and our partner National Geographic present "Extraordinary Earth: 20 in 2020."
5 years ago
A rainbow hangs above Victoria Falls.
5 years ago

Extraordinary Earth: Ways to protect the environment from home

During "Extraordinary Earth: 20 in 2020," we will visit 20 amazing places around the globe and dive into ways that we can help the environment.
5 years ago
ABC's Becky Worley talks about choices we make when shrinking our carbon footprint.