John Mayer helps design hoodie to raise money for late friend Bob Saget's favorite charity

John Mayer was a close friend of late comedian and "Full House" star Bob Saget.

John Mayer helps design hoodie to raise money for late friend Bob Saget's favorite charity
Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images, FILE
January 19, 2022, 11:24 AM

John Mayer was a close friend of beloved comedian and "Full House" star Bob Saget, and he has now come up with a unique way to raise money for his late friend's favorite charity.

On Instagram, Mayer unveiled a navy hoodie that says "Bob Saget" on the front, against a decoration of blue roses, with the logo of the Scleroderma Research Foundation on the back.

Saget was a board member of the foundation; his sister Gay died of the disease at age 47.

"Bob Saget worked tirelessly to raise awareness and money for the Scleroderma Research Foundation, a cause that was so close to his heart," Mayer wrote in the caption. He noted that he collaborated with two designers to "help design this hoodie to keep both his memory and the enduring fight for a cure alive."

Mayer added, "It's available now. All proceeds go to @srfcure."

The sweatshirts cost $55 and are available now via They'll be shipped starting Feb. 10.

Saget's widow, Kelly Rizzo, reposted the image and wrote, "The Scleroderma Research Foundation @srfcure was Bob’s life‘s work. And now 30 years and millions of dollars later after he began, we can continue his legacy by helping find a cure for this horrific disease that took the life of Bob’s sister."

"Thank you @johnmayer for designing this and making this happen," she added.

Among the stars who praised the initiative in the comments were Saget's close friend Jeff Ross, who wrote, "Awesomeness ! I'm buying a bunch of these," and Mayer's close pal Andy Cohen, who wrote, "Purchased! What a great idea."