Brother teaches sister how to ride a bike in sweet video

Brooke Wilcox captured the special moment between her kids on camera.

Brother teaches sister how to ride a bike in sweet video
Courtesy of Brooke Wilcox
April 19, 2022, 5:30 PM

When Brooke Wilcox looked out the window one day in March, she noticed the sweetest brother-sister moment unfolding before her eyes.

The mom of three from Hooper, Utah, quickly captured the heartwarming scene between her oldest and youngest kids with her phone and shared it in an Instagram video that has since garnered over 1 million likes.

In the video, Wilcox’s son Mak, 8, braces his youngest sister, Swayze, 4, as she gradually learns how to pedal on her bike for the first time.

Mak helped his younger sister Judy learn how to ride her bicycle in March.
Courtesy of Brooke Wilcox

“We had just stepped inside and I thought they went downstairs to go play, and I looked out the window and I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, Steve, come look at this!’’ Wilcox told “Good Morning America,” recalling how she called out to her husband to take a peek out the window.

“It was the way that he was teaching her. He was pushing her towards the grass so that she could try and pedal before she tipped over, which was genius! I didn't think of that, I was just trying to hold her the whole time, and really, she caught on because of the way that he was teaching her,” Wilcox continued.

Wilcox said her son loved helping his sister out that day and she couldn’t help capturing more video clips as her daughter made progress on two wheels.

According to her mom, Judy loves to ride her bike.
Courtesy of Brooke Wilcox

“He was so excited, even probably more excited than she was, that she was getting the hang of it. And he was like, ‘Mom, she's got it! She's got it! She can pedal!’ … It was fun to see,” she said.

Since sharing the video, Wilcox has received thousands of comments, with some praising her son for his supportive actions.

“What a great big brother!” wrote one commenter. Another wrote, “You know your doing things right when you see these type of things and you didn’t ask them to do it.”

Wilcox described her son as having “the biggest heart.” “He's just so happy, so easygoing and just caring about everybody else before himself,” she said.

The Wilcox family live in Hooper, Utah and love to go bike riding when the weather is warm.
Courtesy Mallory Lynne Photography

“To see him go out there in the heat and want to see her succeed, you don't see that,” she added. “That's not typical, like something typical that a brother would be doing for his little sister. It touched my heart and millions.”

Now that Swayze, who also goes by Judy, has learned how to ride, it’s all she’s been asking to do, according to her mom.

“She has ridden it twice since then and she's got it down. I like to go running and so they will ride their bikes while I run,” she said, adding that they plan on going on more family bike rides once the weather warms up again.

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