Women Who Contracted HIV From Serial Dater Speak Out
Susan Brown shares "total denial, shock, panic" of HIV + diagnosis with "20/20."
Sept. 17, 2009 — -- In 2007, three women from Frisco, Texas, took matters into their own hands when they discovered that their boyfriend, Philippe Padieu, 54, had lied to them about his relationships with at least a dozen other women -- and, they say, never disclosed the fact that he had tested positively for HIV in September 2005. They say he continued to have unprotected sex with them and other women.
For months, they conducted their own investigation, going to great lengths to prevent more women from being infected. At least 11 of Padieu's former girlfriends say they have tested positive for HIV.
In May 2009, Padieu was convicted in a Texas court of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon for infecting the women. He was later sentenced to 45 years in prison.
Elizabeth Vargas sat down with six of the women who contracted the HIV virus from Padieu to talk about their journey, their investigation and their friendship. Here, a woman ABC News is calling Susan Brown tells her story and explains why she chose to use a pseudonym; and Tricia Reeves, who decided not to be in disguise for the interview, shares how she coped with an HIV diagnosis.
Watch this story on "20/20" Friday at 10 p.m. ET