3,0000 Fish Compete For The Title Of “World Goldfish Queen”
— -- Well this pretty much made my life. Last week, a warehouse in Fuzhou, China hosted 3,000 goldfish from 14 countries around the world as they competed for the title of "World Goldfish Queen." Contestants in the first annual International Goldfish Championship were judged on the following criteria: body shape, swimming gesture, color and overall impression. The winner has not yet been crowned, but a very rare, very "graceful," very large fish weighing in at almost four pounds (which is an unheard of size for a goldfish) is considered the front swimmer.
Woman's Husband Dies, She Discovers That He Was Her Father
I'm so much more excited about this than I have ever been about a human beauty pageant. You've got to love a pageant where the contestants are rewarded for being fat. Also, I think Miss USA contestants should have to compete in a swimming gesture rather than a swimwear category. I don't know what swimming gesture is, but I want to learn. Show me! [ Oddity Central]
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