Tips: Make Over Your Child's PE Program

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 22, 2006, 12:23 PM

Oct. 23, 2006 — -- Are you wondering whether your child's physical education program needs a makeover?

Talk to your child about PE, and if possible, visit a class to get a feel for the program.

If you see any of the following, consider taking action.

First, talk to the PE teacher about your concerns. If that doesn't yield results, talk to the principal.

Ask to see the written curriculum based on national and/or state physical education content standards.

Get together with other parents to affect change.

Keep in Mind:

The total cost depends on the size of the school and what equipment and other resources are already available, but averages between $5,000 and $10,000. To start, SPARK offers schools a free cost analysis.

For more information, or to get an analysis of your school's needs, visit

To calculate your or your child's body mass index or body fat percentage, visit