Cheerleaders Gone Wild

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 4, 2007, 8:42 AM

Jan. 4, 2007 — -- At a high school in McKinney, Texas, officials say a group of five cheerleaders recently got out of control.

Dubbed the "Fab Five," they acted like they could get away with almost anything and refused to bend to authority. They repeatedly skipped class, insulted their instructors, and terrorized their coach, their fourth coach in just one year.

The Fab Five even posted sexually suggestive pictures of themselves on MySpace, but that still wasn't enough for the school to take their pompoms away.

In an exclusive interview with "Good Morning America," Michaela Ward, the coach that the Fab Five drove out, said the girls were beyond discipline.

"Unfortunately these girls were given power that any teenager would have completely abused. They were untouchable. They were invincible. The rules did not apply to them," Ward said. "There was no accountability. They knew that I had absolutely no power to discipline."

The school finally took action. Now, two questions are being asked: What took so long? And who is to blame?

Some are pointing fingers at the mother of the clique's ringleader, who was also the school's principal.

"This culture developed where the principal's daughter and her friends were above consequences," said attorney Harold Jones, who was hired by the school district to look into complaints about the cheerleaders.

In his report, Jones found the girls' influence at their high school was pervasive. There seemed to be no limits to their shenanigans.

"They took my cell phone and sent dirty text messages to my husband and to another coach," Ward said.

Though Ward was the cheerleading coach, she felt incapable of disciplining the girls.

"Everything I did, I was undermined by the principal and the administration. I was never kept in the loop," she said.

"Right after some risque photos are placed on MySpace in their cheerleader uniforms and they're on probation, it takes a whole week to decide that they won't be kicked off the squad," Jones said.