How Do You Rate at Home? Print, Complete the Questionnaire

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 15, 2007, 3:42 PM

Jan. 16, 2007 — -- Many executives already receive a "management 360" review, in which they get feedback from the boss, their peers and subordinates. Now, that concept has been extended to the homefront, to rate busy executives on their personal lives.

The following is the Family 360 survey. Click here to print copies for each member of your family to fill out. Separately, you should fill one out and rate yourself, then get together and talk about where your answers were similar or differed. It's a great jumping off point for a family discussion.

After your discussion, we invite you to go to the World News message board and chat about your experience and post questions about any conflicts you may have. Someone from Family 360 will answer a selection of your questions later in the week to help you navigate the balance between your home and work life.

For more information on the complete Family 360 survey and feedback process, go to

List 3-5 things you appreciate most about this person:

List two things you want this person to do less (or stop doing):