How Old Is Too Old to Parent?

Millions of grandparents across the country are raising their grandchildren.

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 6, 2008, 4:30 PM

July 16, 2007 — -- Mildred and Morris Brasovankin have been married for 56 years. They raised four children in their Philadelphia home. When they finally settled into retirement, they thought their child-rearing days were over.

But trouble came after their fourth grandchild, Steven, was born in 2001. The Brasovankins' son said he couldn't care for the child, who had developmental problems, including hyperactivity. Family members said Steven's mother was a crack addict. Soon, the Brasovankins found themselves raising a child.

"I'm not saying that at times it's not a little hard. It is," Mildred said. "But we're a team. We work together, but what I can't do Morris can do."

But, the Brasovankins' case is particularly intriguing because in March a judge ruled that Steven should be with a foster family, overruling a Philadelphia Department of Human Services decision.

The judge cited the boy's rambunctious behavior in court he was running all over the room and said the grandparents could not physically meet his needs. Steven, now 5 years old, was removed from the Brasovankins' home and placed with foster parents.

This case is just one example of how some officials are questioning when a person is too old to parent. Morris will turn 89 this month and Mildred is almost 86.

Keenly aware of their ages, the Brasovankins said they know they will not live forever. Many of their friends died years ago. But, they plan to stick around as long as possible to raise their grandson.

Even though the Brasovankins admit they are unable to run after Steven or lift him into a park swing or shopping cart without help from strangers, the couple argue love should triumph over longevity in the fight for Steven.

There are more than 4 million children in the United States today being cared for by more than 2 million grandparents who are taking up the slack left by parents who can't take care of their kids for reasons ranging from drug addictions to prison sentences, and most recently, military deployments.