Skin Care: Simple Ways to Keep Skin Healthy

What you put in your body affects how your skin looks and feels.

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 27, 2010, 10:38 AM

Aug. 27, 2010— -- It's not just what you put on your face but also what you put in your body that effects how your skin looks and feels.

Besides cleansing and moisturizing your face, during the day and at night, there are simple treatments for your face and body that you should do every day to keep your skin healthy.

1. Serums. Serums are often good for brightening treatments, anti-aging treatments and sometimes acne treatments. Serums are also great for people with very oily skin, as they can use them as their moisturizer.

2. SPF. Protect yourself from the sun with sunscreen. Sunburn is no fun, but even worse are the sun's ultraviolet, or UV, rays, which can cause skin cancer.

3. Moisturize. Dry skin doesn't heal as easily as soft skin, and is therefore more susceptible to other damage. So after you cleanse, use a light moisturizer. Serums go deeper into the skin's layers than moisturizers.4. Indoor Tanning is a no-no. Indoor tanning was associated with a 74 percent higher risk of skin cancer, according to a recent study by the American Association of Cancer Research.

5. Take Vitamins. Some vitamins are especially geared toward enhancing the health of the skin.

6. Exercise. Exercise is good for multiple reasons, but as an added bonus, it helps the skin keep its elasticity, which will, in turn, help reduce wrinkles.

In addition to the above, eating a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables can help your skin.