Bikini Waxing for Tweens! Have Spas Gone Too Far?

Some spas offer facials and chemical treatment to young girls.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 18, 2008, 4:46 PM

May 19, 2008 — -- The simple mother-daughter stress-reducing day at the spa complete with perfect manicures and pedicures has morphed into a full-fledged booming beauty business.

Some spas now are giving their tween clients resort-type treatments and pint-size pampering. The offerings go beyond the typical painted nails.

Catering to a kid's every possible desire, some spas have stepped up their tween care by offering hair highlights, microdermabrasion and bikini waxes for girls as young as 11 and 12.

"I feel it's part of hygiene. When it's appropriate and they need to, they'll be doing it," said Kelly Burrus, mother of 11-year-old Bella Burrus.

Spas like Simon Says in Skokie, Ill., as well as Sothy's and Salon Ouidad, which are both in New York City, have seen an increase in the number of younger clients coming in to attain that polished look.

"We do a coconut and lemon facial. We have seasonal facials that we offer to the tween market," said Trena Ross, Sothy's director.

All of the primping and pampering equal big bucks for the salons. A surprising 20 percent of Ouidad's clientele comes from the tween market.

"I have 9-year-olds coming in for chemical treatments," said salon owner Ouidad, who only uses one name. "I have [children] as young as 6 and 7 [come into the salon]. They do a chemical treatment."

The young girls after Hollywood style admittedly take their cues from shows like "Gossip Girl" and tween sensation Miley Cyrus of the uber-popular television show "Hannah Montana." The fans pick up on even the most subtle differences in their idols' appearances.

"When I saw her first episode of 'Hannah Montana' her eyebrows weren't the same way as they are now when I see her in pictures. I like how it's much cleaner and thinner now because it makes her look more mature," said 11-year-old Danielle Gallagher.

Ouidad said it's clear "moms are under a lot of pressure" to make sure their girls look their best. But the tweens seeking the grown-up treatments clearly are under peer pressure too.