Best Buys to Unclutter Your Closet

Organization expert Julie Morgenstern has tips for your closet cleanup.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 14, 2009, 6:22 PM

June 14, 2009— -- Uncluttering a closet can be spring cleaning's most daunting chore.

If cleaning out your closet is still unchecked on your to-do list, have no fear: Organization expert Julie Morgenstern's SHED system and these inexpensive items can help make your closet cleanup a snap.

Morgenstern, author of "When Organizing Isn't Enough: SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life," has developed a simple system to determine what to keep and what to throw out.

Morgenstern says that SHED is meant to turn what can be a scary or stressful chore into an opportunity for growth.

Separate the treasures. Identify the gems that are worth holding on to and put them aside.

Heave the rest. Get out anything that isn't one of your treasures in one fell swoop.

Embrace your identity from within. After you've cleared the clutter, and you realize your stuff is gone, you might feel lost. A boost of self-confidence can remind you who you are without the stuff.

Drive yourself forward. Move forward and create a new vision for the life you want -- a life with more engagement and more freedom to do interesting things than you could have done when you were bogged down with clutter.