Busting the Myths About Beauty

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 25, 2005, 10:11 AM

Jan. 12, 2005 -- -- Every fashion magazine seems to offer us the latest beauty secrets with each issue.

But which ones are true and which are false? Kristin van Ogtrop, managing editor of "Real Simple" magazine, joined "Good Morning America" as part of the show's "Beauty Secrets" series in order to make sense of it all.

Q: Brushing your hair 100 strokes a day will make it shine." True or false?

A: False. Basically, brushing your hair a hundred strokes will cause breakage. The more you tug on it the more it breaks. Gentle brushing will make it shiny. Use your judgment as to how much.

Q: You should never pluck a gray hair because 10 more will grow in its place, right?

A: False. You can't get 10 hairs from one follicle. But, if you pluck a hair, what you are liable to get is a hair that grows in its place that doesn't lie flat. If you want to avoid gray hair, color it.

Q: Crossing your legs will give you varicose veins, right?

A: This is a common belief, but it is false. The two things that will give you varicose veins is standing up too long and genetics -- mom and dad.

Q: If you wax to remove hair, fewer hairs will grow back?

A: This is true, but only after a few decades. The short-term answer is not at all. The take-away: Wax and don't worry about it. You can wax to remove hair but it won't stop hair from growing. However, if you want to completely stop it from growing, try electrolysis.

Q: Does Preparation H really deflate eye puffiness?

A: Some people think it does, although no clinical studies have been done to that prove that it does. Dermatologists we talked to said it is more likely to cause dry inflamed skin around your eyes than to reduce puffiness.

Q: Finally, does rubbing toothpaste on pimples help get rid of them?

A: Toothpaste often contains menthol, which can help dry out a pimple. But other common toothpaste ingredients can irritate the skin. And there are much better over-the-counter options than toothpaste, such as Clinique Acne Solutions. If, however, you are on a reality-TV survival show and all you have is a tube of the white stuff, a dab on your dot will work.