Ethnic Home Remedies That Really Work

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 18, 2005, 3:40 PM

Feb. 19, 2005 — -- Flu season is not over yet, and in fact, the flu virus is hitting people across the country in big numbers. But one doctor says you need look no further than your own kitchen for solutions to the winter sniffles.

Appearing on ABC News' "Good Morning America," Dr. Lillian Beard, author of "Salt in the Sock and Other Tried and True Home Remedies" discussed the natural ingredients she says can combat illness. Most people have the items in their kitchen cabinets already.

Beard looked at remedies from around the world and rated the ingredients that make them effective.

How Does It Work?
Ginseng is a tonic that can help with fatigue. Cinnamon strengthens the immune system and is believed to have antibacterial properties.

How Does It Work?
The onion comes from a plant that is an anti-inflammatory, so onion has been used as a cold remedy for centuries. The other ingredient here that helps a cold is turmeric. Native to South Asia, turmeric is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties.

How Does It Work?
Scallions and garlic come from the same onion family with anti-inflammatory properties. Tripe, which comes from the lining of a cow's stomach, is considered a delicacy in many countries, but Beard says she isn't sure about its medicinal value.