Mercedes' Unpretentious Sportiness

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 28, 2006, 10:21 AM

July 28, 2006 — -- Growing up, my mother drove an old diesel-powered Mercedes. I still remember the sound of it. I could anticipate the arrival of that car minutes before it actually appeared (something that could have proven useful had I been more rebellious in my youth).

At the time, I didn't know that Mercedes was a "la-di-da" car to be driving. I figured it was your run-of-the-mill stinky, noisy, mom car until I was being watched over by a new babysitter one summer afternoon. My mom left the car just in case we needed to go somewhere. As soon as the sitter realized it was a Mercedes, we suddenly 'needed' to visit all her friends and family to show them what she was driving. Suddenly I felt elevated to a new level. Sure, I was usually the last to be picked up from school, and my mom never had milk and cookies awaiting my arrival, but at least she drove a Mercedes. (It didn't matter that it was old).

The 2007 Mercedes E550 Sport still comes with the la-di-da-ness built right in, just by virtue of the brand, but somehow it seems to be lacking the pretentiousness of other high-end luxury vehicles that superficially flaunt around their badges like courting peacocks. The E-Class is definitely a Mercedes; let's just get that out of the way now. However, it goes much deeper than that. It's also functional, comfortable and on the cutting edge of safety innovations something important to me now that I'm hauling around children of my own.

As with the previous model year E-Class, the '07 model still has LATCH connectors that should be adopted by every other car manufacturer out there. A discreet flap hides the Latches when not in use, and lifts up for easy access to them when needed. I simply love the fact that Mercedes hasn't forgotten about the parents of the world. Although their target market may not be middle-American carpoolers, chances are if their target market is human, their target market is procreating. Do I have to go into the birds and the bees? The end result is a baby/child in an awkward and usually hard to install car seat.