Celine Dion on Her Struggle for Another Child

The singer speaks about her family, career and her desire for a second child.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 17, 2010, 9:22 PM

Feb. 18, 2010— -- Celine Dion seems to have it all: a powerhouse voice, a staggeringly successful career, a new movie and a devoted family. Yet the mother of 9-year-old Rene-Charles would love nothing more than to give her son a sibling.

Conceiving has not been easy for the 41-year-old singer and she has shared her private struggle with the public. Dion underwent her fifth round of in vitro fertilization on Friday.

"I've always been an open book. My way for me to deal with my own situation is that I take one step at a time. It's something very beautiful when you want to conceive and when you want to be parents again, when you want to be bless again. And for me to share this is about also bonding with other women that are going through the same thing," Dion said.

Dion has been candid about the emotional roller coaster of trying to conceive a baby, speaking about the doctors, appointments, shots and medicine that is involved. But the superstar says the ups and downs are worth enduring to create a life.

"It's priceless. So you know what? We had a miscarriage. We tried three more times. It did not work. ... We are trying again for the fifth try. It's aboard right now. All aboard," Dion said.

She is not ready to give up, in part because she has been through this before. Dion and her husband Rene Angelil tried for six years before turning to a fertility clinic for help conceiving their now 9-year-old son.

"I can't thank this guy, heaven enough, to have this beautiful child. And that we're just trying this one to give him a sister or brother. It would be extraordinary to try and make this love of the family grow more. But -- I have -- I have to try," Dion said.

Despite all the work she has put in to her numerous musical achievements, Dion said being a parent has been her most "challenging and rewarding job."

"I think we are very blessed to have the opportunity and a blessing to be a mother. I think when you are -- when you have a child, it's like there's another heart that grows inside of you. You have this like second heart," Dion said.