Jennifer Garner 'Catches' a New Hit

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 24, 2007, 11:30 AM

Jan. 24, 2007 — -- Jennifer Garner has been called one of the foremost female action stars of her generation.

She roundhouse-kicked her way to fame as Sydney on the ABC action-drama "Alias." Now, Garner is a bona fide movie star. Garner recently sat down with "Good Morning America's" Robin Roberts to talk about her latest film, "Catch and Release."

After having a baby with husband Ben Affleck in 2005 and taking some time off to be with her new family, Garner said she's doing well.

"Life is rich and I'm happy. It's good," she said.

Garner said it took a while for her body to bounce back after giving birth to her now 13-month old daughter, Violet.

"[With] my sisters, the baby weight just melted offI just kept waiting for that to happen and eating bagels and muffins and I'm like, 'I'm not any skinnier,'" she said. "So finally, I thought, well, I'd better get on the treadmill."

While Garner likes a healthy lifestyle, she's not much for sticking to diets and exercise routines.

"I do still like to keep in shape. It's just nowadays, I'll do a bit less than I used to. I'm a normal person and I like food," she said.

Garner's latest film is a romantic comedy with a tragic twist. In it, she plays a woman whose fiancé dies shortly before their wedding. After his death, she finds out surprising details about the man she adored.

"Catch and Release" taught Garner to be cautious of idolizing loved ones.

"You can want to see someone as a knight in shining armor and not want to know the other side of them, or see yourself that way and work hard to be perfect and not really let someone know all of you," she said. "This movie kind of teaches you[to] just go ahead and be everything, let it all hang out."

Garner also weighed in on "GMA's" story about a 3-year-old who was kicked off an AirTran Airways flight (with her parents) for crying. The story provoked a huge response online, with almost 30,000 people voting on whether crying children should be banned from planes.

Garner was shocked that anyone would say toddlers who have tantrums shouldn't be allowed to fly.