More Men Getting Plastic Surgery

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 9, 2005, 8:53 AM

Jan. 9, 2005 -- -- According to folklore, women are considered the fairer sex.

But increasingly, men are paying more attention to their appearance and going to great lengths to improve it -- even if it means going under the knife.

The number of men undergoing plastic surgery each year is on the rise, with rhinoplasty (better known as a nose job), chin implants and less invasive procedures such as Botox injections and chemical peels especially popular.

"There is no question there is a trend that men are coming in higher numbers and they're being more open about it year over year," said Dr. Michael Rose, a plastic surgeon."Whereas men only accounted for 9 percent of cosmetic procedures seven years ago, in 2003, they accounted for 14 percent. And the last year alone has seen a 51 percent rise in minimally invasive procedures, such as Botox, among men. The stigma of plastic surgery has lessened over time, and it has become more acceptable."

Driving the plastic surgery trend for both sexes is the flood of television shows featuring plastic surgery, which make the often expensive procedures seem almost commonplace.

Steve Tauber took notice of the growing trend and decided it was time to do something about his pockmarks and baggy eyes.

"If I'm going to be 45, I want to look the best I can at 45," said Tauber.

He hopes a laser facial procedure will help him both in the dating world and the professional world.

"I think it is, to some degree, a way to compete. I used to work as a salesman, and I know how important image is in any job," said Tauber.

Men today not only feel pressure from their younger competitors in the workplace, but also from the youthful faces and fit bodies staring at them from the covers of men's magazines and from celebrities on the red carpet.

"Some men feel, 'why not?' " New York plastic surgeon Dr. Darrick Antell told "Good Morning America." "As for why, there's increased popularity because there's more publicity about plastic surgery and plastic surgery is getting less invasive than it used to be."