Beauty Myths: Fact or Fiction?

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 5, 2005, 2:56 PM

March 19, 2005 — -- Think drinking eight glasses of water a day really is necessary? Think again. That's just one of the health and beauty myths out there. Elle magazine Beauty and Fitness Director Emily Dougherty appeared on "Good Morning America" to separate fact from fiction and get to the truth about acne, varicose veins and wrinkles.

False. Shaving does not alter the thickness or color of your hair. If shaving made your hair thicker, then every man losing his hair would shave his head. When you shave, you cut the follicle but leave the stub, which is thicker and darker than the ends. But it is true that waxing does cause the hair to grow back thinner and finer, because waxing damages the hair follicle over time.

True. There's a phenomenon called "sleep creases." Dermatologists say that over many years of crushing your face into the wrong pillow, you can develop more wrinkles. One way to solve the problem is to invest in a memory foam pillow, which reduces pressure on your face. Higher thread count pillowcases, which are smoother, can also help.

False. This is a huge myth that many people believe. When you're sunburned or tanned, the extra color in your skin hides blemishes. The sun also dries up oily skin, which makes people think their skin is clearer. In reality, the sun makes acne worse.

True. It's bad news for all women who love high heels. Doctors say wearing heels builds up pressure in the calves and can cause veins to pop. If you can't part with your stilettos, remove your shoes every hour and point and flex your toes. That will help relieve the pressure in your calves. The good news is that crossing your legs will not cause varicose veins, doctors say.

False. More doctors are saying that if you're thirsty, drink water, but you don't have to pay so much attention to the exact amount. The right amount can vary from person to person, depending on their weight and how effectively they use that water. And there is such a thing as over-hydrating -- drinking too much water. But you'd have to drink a lot of water to get to that point.