Colleges Open Doors to New Orleans Students

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 1, 2005, 1:17 PM

Sept. 2, 2005 — -- Schools across the country are opening their doors to college students from the New Orleans area, whose education has been disrupted by the destruction of Hurricane Katrina, including those from Tulane University which has canceled its fall semester.

The American Council of Education estimates 100,000 students have been affected by the disaster and said the students will have opportunities to attend other schools.

"For a student who's interested in doing this, all they need to do is pick up a phone and call the school they're interested in attending," said Terry Hartle, vice president of ACE. "Schools are bending over backward for this. If there's a space available and the student is academically qualified, the schools are basically accepting the students."

Hartle said his organization is currently setting up a "Craigslist-type Web site" that will allow displaced students to find schools.

Most schools are waiving tuition fees or offering reduced rates, but not all are including room and board.

The Association of American Universities -- a group of 62 leading research universities in the United States and Canada -- is working specifically to help Tulane University, a member institution located in New Orleans.

"We did reach out to our membership to ask them what they can do to help on a temporary basis for students who don't think they are going to be able to study at Tulane right now," said Barry Toiv, an association spokesman. "The assumption is whatever the solutions are, they would remain Tulane students."

Tulane president, Scott Cowen, said at least nine of the leading higher education associations are making these kinds of arrangements.

The following is a partial list of schools that are accepting qualified students affected by the hurricane. Both Toiv and Hartle said the list is constantly growing and students should check with individual schools and their Web sites for more information and instructions about the expedited application process.

Bates College: Accepting students from Maine at no charge
Boston University: Accepting students at no charge
Columbia University: Has already accepted Tulane students and is offering to take in others
Dartmouth College: Temporary admission
Emory University: Working to accommodate Tulane public health graduate students
George Washington University: Accepting students
Georgetown University: Willing to adjust to individual circumstances
Johns Hopkins University: Expects to accept Tulane students
Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, Mich.: Accepting students for the fall semester at no charge
Loyola College, Maryland: Accepting students with priority given to those attending Jesuit institutions Loyola University New Orleans and Xavier University of Louisiana
Nassau Community College, Long Island, N.Y.: Accepting 17 students
New York University: Accepting a limited number of students
Penn State University: The 14 schools that are part of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education are accepting residents at no charge who attend the affected schools
Rice University: Has agreed to take all Houston-area Tulane students free of charge for the semester
Syracuse University: Accepting 12 students. They will receive free tuition, room and board
Southern Methodist University: Will work with students from the north Texas area
Smith College: Accepting students free of charge who live in Massachusetts and are enrolled at colleges or universities along the Gulf Coast
St. John's University, Queens, N.Y.: Invites New York students who are currently enrolled at the affected Gulf-area institutions to attend St. John's during this interim period at no expense
Southern Utah University: Accepting students and waiving fees as well as assisting in finding off-campus housing
University of Arkansas: The state's 11 public universities will waive tuition and fees for Arkansas residents currently enrolled in New Orleans institutions. Out-of-state residents can enroll for in-state tuition rate
University of California, Los Angeles: Accepting students
University Colorado: Accepting students
University of Delaware: Accepting students and offering to reinstate any University of Delaware scholarships previously offered
University of Florida, and Florida community colleges: Accepting students
University of Illinois: Accepting students
University of Miami: Accepting students
University of Michigan: Accepting students to select programs
University of Mississippi: Students from Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama can enroll in classes through Sept. 9 if they were previously admitted to any of the coastal universities now closed due to hurricane damage.
University of Nebraska: Offering in-state tuition to students coming in from Louisiana for the fall semester and also providing space to the extent available to faculty
University of Texas: Accepting students who are Texas residents
University of Vermont: Has accepted students from Tulane
University of Virginia: Accepting students
University of Wisconsin, Madison: Accepting students
Washington College, Chestertown, Md.: Accepting eight students at no cost