Meet the CareerWorks Catalyst Club

Diverse New Jersey Job Club includes mentors to support those looking for work.

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 29, 2008, 11:31 AM

Oct. 29, 2008 — -- Club Name: CareerWorks Catalyst Club of Upper Saddle River, N.J.

Club Members: George James, David Hansen, Christine Regan Lake, Janet May, Janine Yancho Swenson, Betsy Hansen, Elaine Kallenbach, Jan Bottcher, Linda Endres,Stephanie Russo Kawalec, and as coach/mentors Jeanne Mariani Sullivan of Starvest Partners and the Rev. Jennifer Lovallo of Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church.

Club Leader: Janine Yancho Swenson

Where They Meet: Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church

Janine Yancho Swenson Tells the Story: We believe our name CareerWorks Catalyst to be powerful, confident and reflect the many participants and our view of the future that we can be our own catalyst to make our career work. We have an assortment of people: employed, in transition, business owners, clergy and mentors/coaches.

The fact we have such a diverse group truly reflects the belief that in today's employment environment you will do better with a strong support system. Over 60 percent of this group is actually employed and working and willing to volunteer their time to support the overall group's success.

Our two coach/mentors want to assist the group by helping each individual with our common goals: identify each individual's top skills, clarify career goals that will utilize those skills and discover the vocations that bring out the best in each of us. We want to learn how to do what we love and love what we do! We are looking forward to sharing our progress and hope that we can be an inspiration to others who want to start a similar club.