Summer Job Search Proves Tough for Teens

Tory Johnson has ideas for teens looking for jobs in a tough economy.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 24, 2009, 7:13 PM

May 24, 2009 — -- There is a new group of Americans struggling in the job market. For teenagers, finding a job this summer might prove tougher than ever before.

Teens looking to supplement their summer fun by mowing lawns or working in fast food restaurants find themselves facing stiff competition from older, more experienced workers. This increase in competition coupled with fewer available jobs in general means tough times for teens.

According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, the teenage unemployment rate is 21.7 percent, up from last year's 15.8 percent -- the highest rate in nearly 20 years. One job placement firm, Challenger, Gray and Christmas, projects that this could be the first summer since 1954 that fewer than 1 million teens will find summer jobs.

Although jobs are scarce and teens are now vying for the same positions as out-of-work adults, there are still a number of opportunities available for teens who know where to look and how to handle the new competition.

Pound the Pavement

Teens looking for jobs should try going old school. Although it might be tempting to start a job search on the Web, teens might find more luck hitting main street and local malls in search of help-wanted signs. But don't despair if shop windows aren't littered with ads.

Teens should chat up the current employees in stores, movie theaters and restaurants. Ask, "Do you know if they're hiring now?" There might be fewer openings, but some still exist for those who aren't afraid to ask.

When out on the hunt, teens should also be ready -- ready to interview immediately and start right away. Teens should dress appropriately, bring references and be ready to start working. No employer is going to hold a job until the family comes home from vacation.

Flexibility should also extend to the type of work a teenager is seeking. Try looking for local seasonal employment like yard work. Many people can't afford to pay for a professional service but could be willing to pay a neighborhood kid to mow the lawn. And babysitting for is always a moneymaker for trustworthy teens.