How an Externship Could Lead to Your Next Job

An externship just may be the ticket to your next job opportunity.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 27, 2009, 4:25 PM

July 28, 2009 — -- We live in a culture where people often ask what you do and where you work. When you're "between jobs" -- code for "unemployed" -- those simple, innocent questions can make you cringe.

One way to feel better about accounting for your time is to consider an adult internship, also called an externship.

Click here for a template to customize with your pitch to prospective employers.

These are unpaid part-time positions to get a foot in the door in the business or industry of your choice. You can gain a new skill or enhance existing ones. This is also a chance to close a gap in unemployment by providing valuable experience for your resume. In addition to seeing firsthand the highs and lows of a particular line of work, you may build contacts and develop relationships that will prove valuable when you ultimately seek a paid position.

Word play. In the most traditional sense, volunteering benefits your heart by giving your time and talent to a charitable organization without getting anything other than personal satisfaction in return.

An internship or externship (the words are often used interchangeably) focuses on giving your time and talent in a business environment to benefit your career. An intern is usually still in college and works (with or without pay) to gain real-world experience. An externship is the same thing but for someone who's no longer in school.

Consider your targets. Start by making a list of at least 10 businesses that you'd like to approach about an externship. Small- and medium-sized businesses are easier to approach than a global giant, so if speed is important to you, avoid a Fortune 500 company. Target employers in industries that appeal most to you, based on your career goals.

Just as you're likely applying to several jobs at any one time, you should pitch an externship to multiple employers at once, too. Use your online and office networks to find prospective employers. Since you don't know who'll accept your proposal, you must have lots of feelers out there.

Prepare a formal pitch. If you're dealing directly with a decision-maker at a small company, it may be OK to make your pitch verbally. Ideally, however, you should spell it all out in writing.