How to Save on Valentine's Day Gifts

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 13, 2006, 3:35 PM

Feb. 13, 2006 — -- According to a 2006 Valentine's Day Consumer Survey conducted by BIG research, consumers will spend an average of $100.89 on Valentine's Day, up from $97.27 last year.

Sixty-one percent of consumers plan to celebrate the holiday, and men plan to spend twice as much as women. Consumers spend the most on their spouse or significant other ($64.63), followed by purchases for their other family members ($20.74), friends ($5.06), co-workers and neighbors ($4.38), and children's classmates and teachers ($3.52).

What are people spending all that money on? Not surprisingly, 62 percent of consumers plan to buy greeting cards, 47 percent plan to buy candy, 42 percent celebrate with an evening out and 11 percent give gift cards or gift certificates. More than half of men and 14 percent of women plan to buy flowers. The Society of American Florists reports that Valentine's Day is the largest holiday for floral sales.

The good news is that you can celebrate Valentine's Day for less than the average amount spent if you know where to look for special deals and coupons.

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