Five Super Foods to Lower Your Cholesterol

Find out which foods will help keep your cholesterol in check.

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 8, 2008, 7:34 PM

Dec. 9, 2008 — -- "Good Morning America" medical editor Dr. Marie Savard tells you the five super foods you can eat to dramatically lower your cholesterol -- by as much as 30 percent. Check out what they are below and see her advice on lowering your cholesterol.

Nuts -- like almonds, walnuts, peanuts and pecans -- can reduce cholesterol, along with blood sugar and insulin.

They're also full of fiber and anti-oxidants that fight cancer. You should eat a handful of nuts a day. And don't worry about your waistline. Studies show nuts actually help shrink your waistline; they have a good kind of fat.

Food rich in fiber, like fruits, vegetables and whole grains, help control cholesterol. Fiber absorbs the bad cholesterol in your body like a sponge. You should eat a bowl of oatmeal a day, or about 6 ounces of eggplant. You can also eat apples and pears and broccoli. They all have the same effect.

Just as fibers in food absorb all that bad cholesterol in your body, fiber supplements, like Metamucil and Citrucel, do the same thing. The more you take, the more effect it has on lowering your cholesterol. So, you should take three doses a day, one before each meal. You also can eat psyllium-enriched cereal. It will also keep your digestive system working well.

Start replacing some of the meat you eat with soy. Eat a veggie burger instead of a hamburger, or use ground soy instead of ground beef. You should eat about two ounces of soy a day. That's about the typical soy burger, or you can drink soy milk or eat edamame, Japanese baby soy beans.