Free Gas for Country's Safest Drivers

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 24, 2006, 8:38 AM

May 24, 2006 — -- As a reward for being named the safest drivers in the country, the residents of Sioux Falls, S.D., woke up today to the news they could fill up their tanks for free.

In the second annual Allstate America's Best Drivers Report, Sioux Falls was named as the city with the safest drivers based on an analysis of America's 200 largest cities.

On average, Sioux Falls drivers are likely to experience an accident every 14.3 years, as opposed to the national average of 10 years, according to the report.

Allstate expected to fill up the tanks of 700 Sioux Falls residents as a reward for their safe driving practices.

The cities with the safest drivers were:

Then there were the least safe drivers in the country:

Dave Munson, mayor of Sioux Falls, attributes his city's safe drivers to a couple of factors, including the quality of the city's driver's education programs and its traffic engineering department's attention to stoplights, signs and road maintenance. He also cites the city's friendly nature, courtesy and patience on the roads.