Child's Play: With Technology, R-Rated Movies Are Just a Click Away

Technology makes watching R-rated films child's play.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 22, 2010, 9:52 PM

April 23, 2010— -- The movie ratings system was designed in part to prevent young children from being exposed to inappropriate content, but nowadays it's easier than ever for kids to watch R-rated movies -- and they don't even have set foot inside a movie theater.

The advancement of technology has made it simple for children to watch R-rated movies. Those are the films that have so much sex or violence -- or other adult-themed content -- that those who are 17 and under may only see them if they're with a parent or adult guardian.

Children can order movies on demand through their home's cable service provider. They can order them through their video gaming system, or get them through Netflix, YouTube or Hulu.

Some of the services are free. For others, though, they need a credit card.

"The thing is, it doesn't really matter what your age range is," 13-year-old Tyler Lynch, a New Jersey resident, told "Good Morning America." "It just matters if you have the money."

That way is far easier than the age-old ploy of trying to sneak one's way into an R-rated film at the multiplex. For the so-called Net Generation, that gambit is old-fashioned.

"It's a lot more to deal with. People still check IDs and stuff like that," said 14-year-old Kathleen McGrath, also of New Jersey.

While some children may not think twice about ordering up an R-rated film -- and many do so with their parents' permission -- experts fear that exposing developing minds to certain content may have harmful effects.

Studies have indicated that showing adult content to children can increase violent behavior, but recent investigations have also revealed that showing R-rated movies to children can encourage them to experiment with drinking and smoking.

"Today you can sit in the privacy of your own room, or in a family room, and download something on your cell phone or over the Internet," said Jim Steyer, founder and CEO of Common Sense Media, a national organization that reviews movies for age-appropriateness and which also provides advocacy and outreach.

"You can be exposed to inappropriate content without ever having to come near a movie theater," Steyer added.