How to Co-Parent Successfully When Your Relationship Is Over

Relationship experts offers tips for making it work.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 30, 2010, 8:52 PM

July 1, 2010 — -- Sandra Bullock and Jesse James are doing it, and so are Elizabeth and John Edwards.

These celebrity couples are raising their children together, even though their own relationships are on the rocks. So can people raise kids together after a breakup?

Family therapist Terry Real appeared on "Good Morning America" to talk about the concept of co-parenting.

He answered some questions and offered advice for parents who are experiencing -- or who have experienced --a bad breakup.

Terry Real's Co-Parenting Tips

If you truly dislike your ex, you have to get over it. Even if you had a terrible marital relationship, you can still rise to the occasion as co-parents, Real said. He urged parents not to overshare about their ex-spouse's faults to the children. Co-parents should treat each other as business partners.