Jorge Cruise's 8-Minute Exercises

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 15, 2002, 7:37 PM

May 15 -- It's a common dilemma. You are too busy to squeeze exercise into your schedule, yet you are also too out-of-shape to squeeze into your favorite summer clothes.

Try these exercises from fitness expert Jorge Cruise, author of 8 Minutes in the Morning.

Do one set of 12 repetitions of the inner thigh exercise, then immediately do 12 repetitions of the outer thigh exercise. Repeat for a total of four sets of each exercise. It should take you eight minutes for both.

Inner-Thigh Leg Raise

Lie on a mat on your left side with your left elbow and forearm supporting your upper body and your left leg extended. Bend your right knee and place your right foot behind your left leg for balance. Keeping your left leg straight, exhale as you slowly lift your left foot as high as you can. Hold for 1 second. Inhale as you lower your foot to the starting position.Do one set with your left leg, and then switch sides.

Doggie (Outer Thigh)

Kneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip-width apart, your hands placed slightly wider than your shoulders, and your fingers pointing forward. Keep your back straight and your head up. Keeping your leg bent at a 90-degree angle, exhale as you raise your right leg out to the side (like a dog at a fire hydrant). Hold for 1 second. Inhale as you slowly lower your leg back to the starting point. Do one set with your right leg, and then switch sides.

Here is another pair, which also takes 8 minutes.

Do one set of 12 repetitions of the first exercise, then immediately do 12 repetitions of the second exercise. Repeat for a total of four sets of each exercise. This should take eight minutes.

Lower Pull (Abdominals)

Sit on a mat on the floor with your legs slightly bent, your heels just above the floor, and your hands behind your butt for support. Exhale as you slowly raise your heels and bring your knees toward your torso. When your thighs and abdomen create a 90-degree angle, hold for 1 second. Inhale as you slowly return to the starting position.