Recipe: Feasty Firecracker Flank Steak

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 30, 2006, 2:04 PM

July 2, 2006 — -- The Feasty Boys appeared on "Good Morning America" to share some great Fourth of July recipes.

Check out a recipe for steak below.

Feasty Firecracker Flank Steak

Special Equipment:

Ziploc bags


Prepare Marinade:

In a large bowl, combine all the marinade ingredients, minus the honey, which will be used later. Mix marinade thoroughly. Place both flank steaks in a large Ziploc storage bag. Pour the marinade in the bag over both steaks and seal bag, taking care to remove as much air from the bag as possible. Place bag in refrigerator and chill for several hours, preferably overnight.

Grill Steak:

When ready to cook, preheat grill to high heat. Remove steaks from marinade bag and place on grill. Sear steaks for 4 minutes; flip and sear second side for the same amount of time. While the second side sears, lightly coat the cooked side of each steak with a thin layer of honey. Once second side has seared for 4 minutes, flip steaks and sear for an additional 2 minutes, coating the second side with honey as well. Sear second side for 2 minutes and remove from heat. Allow steaks to cool for 5-7 minutes before carving.

Serving Suggestion: Top with sauteed onions and mushrooms!

Cook's Notes: