Labor Day with the Feasty Boys

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 3, 2006, 6:40 AM

Sept. 3, 2006 — -- Grill up this delicious meal for the holiday weekend.

Feasty Shish Ka-tug



Prepare for marinade:

1. Cut the peppers and onion into 1" pieces. Set aside.
2. Cut kielbasa and chicken into similar sized pieces and place in separate bowls, all the while being careful not to let the raw chicken or sausage come into contact with any other foods.
3. Starting with a slice of onion, begin threading ingredients onto the skewers, alternating vegetables and two varieties of meat as much as possible. Make sure that each threaded skewer includes a little of each ingredient.
4. Once all of the ingredients have been threaded on skewers, place the skewers in a large enough baking pan that allows the skewers to lay flat.
5. Pour the dressing over the skewers and sprinkle liberally with salt/pepper and parmesan cheese.
6. Cover tightly with plastic aluminum foil and place in the refrigerator for several hours.

Prepare for grill:

1. When ready to eat, simply place the skewers on either gas or charcoal grill and cook until the chicken is sufficiently done.
2. While the kabobs cook, cut the French bread into pieces similar in length to that of the skewers. Cut each piece of bread lengthwise approximately two-thirds of the way through. Slather with butter, garlic and parmesan cheese and place on top rack of grill.


1. When kabobs are ready, simply remove from grill, place inside the split French bread, squeeze tightly and "tug" the skewer, leaving all that is good behind in the bun.

Feasty Double Baked Potatoes
