Cheering on 'Running Hope Through America'

Robin Roberts catches up with two women running to raise money for orphans.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 20, 2010, 3:43 PM

April 20, 2010— -- I think it's pretty apparent how much I love my job. I especially enjoy meeting our many guests on "Good Morning America" from all walks of life.

Lots of people often ask me about the movie stars and celebrities I interview. While that's cool, I'm more drawn to the everyday person. Last Friday on the show I chatted with Lisa Smith-Batchen and Sister Mary Beth Lloyd, also known as "the running nun." The two women have known each other for 28 years, and they were on "GMA" to talk about how Lisa (an ultra-marathoner) was going to run 50 miles in 50 states over the next 62 days. The goal is to raise money for AIDS orphans all over the world.

Lisa -- with a fantastic support team that includes her brother -- began her journey yesterday in New Jersey.

Today after "GMA," I joined Lisa and Sister Mary Beth in New York City's Central Park. I just wanted to let them know that they truly touched me. I'm not able to run anymore (my knees are shot), but I walked with them for a while -- a memory I will cherish forever.

If you are able, I would love for you to run/walk/cheer Lisa when she comes to your state. If you see her or Sister Mary Beth please give them a big hug for me.

Two states down, only 48 more to go!

For more information and to find out when Lisa and Sister Mary Beth will be in your state, CLICK HERE.