Tory Johnson: Get a Job, Work at Home

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 14, 2006, 5:27 PM

Sept. 15, 2006 — -- In the two weeks since our segment aired on home-based virtual customer service agents, more than 25,000 online applications have been received by the two companies featured. We also heard from viewers interested in other home-based opportunities, especially those that didn't require phone skills.

Here are a few more suggestions for people looking for a job that offers the flexibility of working from home.

This work is focused on translating a doctor's report to an electronic record of a person's medical history, diagnosis and treatment. As the health care industry moves toward electronic health records as the standard -- allowing easier storage and accessibility of an individual's history by physicians anywhere -- there is an increased demand for medical transcriptionists

There are about 100,000 registered MTs in the United States now -- the majority of them work from home. Technology is paving the way for more people to pursue this line of work from anywhere in the country. I talked to a dozen companies that hire home-based agents, and they're all eager for new hires -- both part-time and full-time employees as well as independent contractors. Some of the biggest employers in this field are Focus Infomatics, MedQuist and Spheris.

Training: In addition to needing high-speed Internet access and a PC, training is required, which can take up to a year -- either through online distance learning or at just about any community college in the country. The cost ranges from about $1,000 to $3,500. Keep in mind that learning medical terminology is like learning a foreign language. It takes diligence and motivation. Accuracy and speed are essential, which means the people best suited for this job are well-coordinated and disciplined and have an exceptional ear. Before selecting a school, ask about its job placement record and research the employers they claim to work with.

Money: Medical transcriptionists are paid by the line, so it's a field where productivity drives compensation. Expect to earn between $30,000 and $40,000 annually once you're well-trained.