Mellody Hobson: Tips for Tax Savings

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 14, 2007, 1:29 PM

March 15, 2007 — -- Let the countdown to tax time begin.

There's just over a month left before taxes are due on April 17. "Good Morning America's" financial contributor Mellody Hobson shared information about new deductions that can save you money.

"If you made certain improvements to your home in 2006 to increase energy efficiency -- such as adding insulation to reduce heat loss or changing exterior windows and doors, among other things -- you may be eligible for a tax credit of up to $500," Hobson explained.

"Five hundred dollars is the maximum total amount for both 2006 and 2007, so if you did not make any improvements in 2006, consider doing so in 2007 to take advantage of this limited-time credit."

You can also take additional deductions if you bought a hybrid car.

"If you purchased a new hybrid gas-electric car or truck in 2006, you are eligible for a tax credit of up to $3,400. The amount of the credit depends on the make and fuel economy of the vehicle purchased," Hobson said. "For example, if you purchased a 2006 Ford Escape four-wheel drive hybrid, you could take a credit of $1,950."

Hobson warned that the tax credit will soon phase out.

"Early hybrid vehicle owners are those who will benefit the most because this tax credit will phase out once a manufacturer has sold a total of 60,000 hybrid vehicles, regardless of model," she said. "Once the cap is reached, the credit will begin to phase out during the second calendar quarter after the quarter in which the company sells its 60,000th hybrid."

Here's how the hybrid phase-out works: Toyota reached sales of 60,000 hybrid vehicles in the second calendar quarter of 2006, so the credit for hybrid vehicles manufactured by Toyota began to phase out as of Oct. 1, 2006.

What does this mean? If you purchased a 2006 Toyota Prius between Jan. 1, 2006 and Sept. 30, 2006, you would be eligible for a full credit of $3,150.

If you purchased the vehicle between Oct. 1, 2006 and March 31, 2007, the credit amount drops 50 percent to $1,575.

If you purchased the vehicle between April 1, 2007, and Sept. 30, 2007, the credit amount drops another 50 percent (or to 25 percent of the original credit amount) to $787.50. Any Toyota hybrid vehicle purchased on Oct. 1, 2007 or after is no longer eligible for a credit.