The News You Missed: Drunken Breathalyzers, Cat Wigs and Bras for Your Face

Bill Weir sheds light on the week's wacky and weird news stories you missed.

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 14, 2009, 9:08 AM

Nov. 14, 2009— -- Once again here's this week's News You Missed.

Halloween has come and gone since last we met, and it is worth noting that this year, not one but two people were arrested for drunken driving while dressed as Breathalyzers.

A 62-year-old Canadian woman is headed to court after she parked her car on top of two others cars. While trying to park at an Extreme Fitness in Thornhill, Ontario, Canada, she drove onto the hood of two parked cars. After the mishap, she slowly drove away from the scene. Her shenanigans were caught on tape and posted to YouTube, where it has been viewed nearly three million times.

We here at the News You Missed fancy ourselves as cutting-edge trend spotters. And certain to be all the rage in 2010 are kitty wigs. Ranked 3,502 on the Amazon book charts, "Glamourpuss" is 96 pages of cats in wigs.

Some dealing with mange, but most just wanting to feel pretty and keep things fresh for their owners.

Speaking of cats, Jen and Mike Jones got divorced more than a year ago, but they are still engaged in a custody battle over two Siberian tigers that neither one wants.

"Basically, he's had these cats before I was ever in the picture," Jen Jones said. "So, these are his cats, and I just want him to take responsibility with them."

But it seems trivial compared to The Bra Mask, which unsnaps and converts into protection from fire, dust or swine flu for lady and friend.

A breakthrough science has been searching for since the mid-'80s, when Anthony Michael Hall wore a bra on his head in the movie "Weird Science."