Weekend Window: Hell's Canyon, Idaho

Take a peek at the rugged terrain surrounding Idaho and Oregon's Snake River.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 2, 2007, 12:35 PM

June 3, 2007 — -- Hell's Canyon, Idaho, is home to the wild and scenic Snake River -- a 71-mile stretch between Idaho and Oregon.

The Snake River is at the bottom of the deepest canyon in North America -- deeper than the Grand Canyon. It measures 8,000 feet from Devil Peak down to the river.

The area is remote, rugged and steep, so the best way to see it is by boating, rafting, horseback riding and hiking.

"Jet boat is a way to navigate the river," said Dan Fleshman, who works for Captain Beamers Jet Boat Tours. "You don't have to worry so much about shallow areas. You can keep the boat up on plane."

Hikers should start off in the valley at 700 feet above sea level and end up at a turn-around point at 1,450 feet above sea level.

Some of the ancient Indian writings are 7,200 years old. No one in any existing Indian tribes can decipher the writing -- three male figures painted in red paint are pictographs.

Most of the writing is petroglyphs.

Boating in the canyon is also very popular. In the upper river, you'll go from class 3 and 4 rapids to class 5 rapids in the high flows.

People often come to the area in the summertime to camp, relax and play Frisbee.

High on the Oregon skyline and up on the rocky ridge, hikers can see a rock formation resembling Mr. Potato Head playing the piano.

Visitors can also find mule deer and great blue harems along the river. There is always a special Rocky Mountain big horn sheep along the water with its young.