Kyron Horman's Parents' Plea: 'Come Home'

Kyron Horman's biological parents give message to missing 7-year-old.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 20, 2010, 1:32 PM

June 25, 2010 — -- The parents of missing Kyron Horman appeared on national television for the first time today to issue an emotional plea for the 7-year-old Oregon boy to "come home."

"Honestly it's a parent's worst nightmare," Kyron's mother, Desiree Young, told "Good Morning America." "We've racked our brains trying to think of reasons why. We cannot come up with anything... It's like a portal opened up in the school and Kyron just vanished into it. It's a mystery."

Young choked up when she tried to give her missing son the message that she and Kyron's father, Kaine Horman, "love you and we need you to come home."

Young described her boy as very timid and not prone to adventure.

"He also can't see very well so he tends to stick very close to home. He doesn't go outside a certain parameter... He doesn't wander off. It's not his personality type," Young said.

Police called off major search operations last week and seemed to focus their attention on Kyron's stepmother, Terri Horman, who was reportedly the last person to see Kyron alive when she dropped him off at school. Terri Horman has not been named a suspect or person of interest in the disappearance.

Kyron's biological parents were told by authorities not to discuss details of the investigation and are in constant contact with police and are doing everything they can -- including their appearance on "GMA" -- to help find the boy.

"It's important to keep Kyron's face out there so everybody sees him so hopefully someone will see him and recognize him and report that tip that we're waiting for to bring him home," Young said.