Fan Hit by Foul Ball at Tampa Bay Rays Game

The 63-year-old woman was hit by a foul ball that flew through a safety net.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 18, 2016, 9:45 AM

— -- Tampa Bay Rays outfielder Steven Souza Jr. is calling the odds of what happened during Friday's night game against the Chicago White Sox “astronomical.”

Souza's foul ball sailed into the stands through a tiny gap between the stadium’s protective netting, hitting a 63-year-old woman in the left eye. The game at Tropicana Field stopped as the woman, who the Tampa Bay Times reported suffered facial fractures, was taken out on a stretcher.

Souza was visibly distraught, even walking into the stands to check on her.

“That woman’s health is more important than my results in the game,” he told reporters after the game.

This is not the first time a spectator has been struck in the seats. Last year, one Detroit fan left the field in a neck brace after a foul ball hit her in the head. At Fenway Park last June, one woman was severely injured after a broken bat flew into the stands. Then just one month later at the same stadium, Stephanie Wapenski was struck square in the face by a foul ball.

Major League Baseball made a recommendation following last year’s rash of injuries, suggesting that stadiums install protective netting between the dugouts for any field-level seats within 70 feet of home plate to increase fan safety, something the Rays did do at the beginning of the season.

But in pictures taken by a Tampa Bay Times reporter, you can see the gap in the netting. By Saturday night, however, an extra piece of protective netting was installed to close the space.

“Even netting is not a cure-all in all cases,” said USA Today sports columnist Christine Brennan.

Tampa Bay Rays released a statement saying, “Our thoughts are with the injured fan and her family and steps have been taken to ensure this unfortunate incident will not be repeated."

Souza said he plans to visit the woman in the hospital.