'GMA' Brings ‘Home’ To Your Hometown Contest | Official Rules

Enter for your chance to win a Hollywood-style movie premiere in your hometown.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 24, 2015, 6:59 AM


Eligibility Guidelines: Contest sponsored by Good Morning America ("GMA") and American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. (“ABC”), (collectively, the "Sponsors"). Prize Provider is 20th Century Fox Film Corporation. (“Prize Provider”)

Entrants (“Entrant”) to "GMA BRINGS 'HOME' TO YOUR HOMETOWN" CONTEST" ("Contest") must be legal residents of the 48 contiguous United States or the District of Columbia and eighteen (18) years old or older. Entrant must live within twenty (20) miles of a movie theater or facility capable of screening a 3D movie with a seating capacity of at least one hundred and fifty (150) persons. Any individuals (including but not limited to employees, consultants, independent contractors, and interns) who have, within the past six months, performed services for the Sponsors, Prize Provider any organizations responsible for sponsoring, fulfilling, administering, advertising or promoting the Contest or supplying the prize, and their respective parent, subsidiary, affiliated and successor companies, and immediate family and household members of such individuals, are not eligible to enter. "Immediate family members" shall mean parents, step-parents, children, step-children, siblings, step-siblings, or spouses. "Household members" shall mean people who share the same residence at least three months a year.

Contest Entry Period:"GMA BRINGS 'HOME' TO YOUR HOMETOWN" CONTEST" Contest entry period begins at 7:00 a.m. Eastern Time ("ET") on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 and ends at 5:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, March 5, 2015 (the "Contest Period"). Sponsors’ computer is the official clock for this Contest.

How to Enter: To enter, navigate the Internet to www.goodmorningamerica.com and click on the link for “GMA BRINGS ‘HOME’ TO YOUR HOMETOWN” CONTEST" which will take you to the Contest home page. There you will find instructions on the appropriate and acceptable file formats and sizes for submitting your entry electronically.

Submit a video up to one (1) minute in length explaining what you have specifically done to help your community. For example, have you helped build a community garden, coached a local sports team, or provided housing, food or clothing for the less fortunate? Video tape submissions may include other people in addition to the entrant; however, entrant must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. If other people appear in your video submission, you represent and warrant that they, or their parents/legal guardians if they are minors, have provided express permission to appear in the video and have granted all rights necessary for Sponsors to use their name, voice and likeness.

In addition, entrants must also submit an essay, up to one hundred (100) words in length, that also explains what the entrant has done to help his or her community.

You are prohibited from using any music, songs, melodies, recordings, or lyrics in your videotaped entry. Entries containing any of the above will be deemed ineligible.

You warrant and represent that all of the Materials submitted by you are truthful, original to you (and not based on or derived from any other materials), that you own all necessary rights in and to the Materials which are fully transferable, and that you are not subject to any production agreement, union or guild agreement, or any similar agreement which would interfere with your ability to enter into this Contest or grant all of the rights to be provided hereunder. Accordingly, you further warrant and represent that you have the right to enter into this agreement and grant the rights hereunder without the need for permission from or payment to any other party and the exercise of the rights set forth in the Contest Rules by the Sponsors will not violate any third party rights and will not violate any contractual obligations or confidential relationships which you may have to or with any third party.Any entries submitted with inappropriate or offensive content will be immediately disqualified. No entry may be submitted in any other contest or promotion.

Upon submission, you will see a thank you message on your screen indicating that you have successfully entered. You will not receive a further acknowledgement. Free internet access is available at most public libraries.

Incomplete entries will be disqualified. Proof of entering information at the Contest website or registration form is not considered proof of delivery to or receipt by Sponsors of such entry. Personal information collected in connection with this Contest will be used in accordance with ABC.com’s privacy policy, available at http://corporate.disney.go.com/corporate/pp.html.

Judging Procedure, Notification and Finalists Judging: Eligible entries will be judged by designated staff of Sponsors and Prize Provider on the basis of entrant’s contribution to its community, creativity, on-air appeal, and originality. Decisions of the judges are final as to all Contest-related matters.

One entry will be chosen as the Grand Prize winning entry (“Winner”) by the judges. In the event of a tie, the entry with the highest score in the entrant’s contribution to the community category will be declared the Winner.

The Winner will be notified by email, phone or on a live broadcast of “Good Morning America” on about March 13, 2015 that his or her entry has been selected for the Grand Prize (“Grand Prize”). The Entrant has twenty-four (24) hours to acknowledge the notification of Sponsors’ selection of his or her entry as the Winner. Upon satisfaction of all rules and conditions, Entrant may accept the Grand Prize.

In the event the Entrant is deemed ineligible, fails to comply with Contest procedures, or if there is no suitable venue for the prize fulfillment, then the first runner-up Entrant will be selected to win the Grand Prize, time permitting, or Sponsors reserve the right to terminate the Contest at their discretion.

Prizes: One Grand Prize Winner and up to twenty (20) guests (“Guests”) will be invited to a premiere screening hosted by 20th Century Fox Film Corporation of DreamWorks Animation's upcoming animated feature “HOME” starring Rihanna, Jim Parsons, Steve Martin and Jennifer Lopez. The screening will be held on or about Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at a theater or other appropriate 3-D screening facility within twenty (20) miles of the Winner’s home. Some cast members from “HOME” may attend if scheduling and weather permit.

Roundtrip ground transportation will be provided for the Winner and Guests from a mutually agreed upon location to the site of the premiere.

Remaining guests for the screening will be at the discretion of the Prize Provider and Contest Sponsor.

In addition, two (2) other entrants will be declared Runners-Up (“Runners-Up”). The Runners-Up will each receive a prize package, to be determined by Prize Provider. Approximate Retail Value (ARV) of each prize package awarded to the Runners-Up will be approximately five hundred dollars ($500).

The Winner and Runners-Up are not entitled to exchange or transfer the prize or to obtain cash or other substitutes, but Sponsors and Prize Provider, in their sole discretion, may substitute prizes of equal or greater value.

The Entrants, Winner, Guests, others associated with Entrants and Winner’s contribution to the community and Runners-Up may appear in segments on “Good Morning America”, as determined by the Sponsors. All videotape and live production will be determined at the sole discretion of the Sponsors.

Any appearance on Good Morning America is subject to availability. Sponsors are not responsible for cancellation or preemption of show or for other circumstances that make it impractical or impossible to fulfill this element of the prize. The appearance portion of the prize has no approximate retail value and if it becomes impractical or impossible to fulfill this or any element, Sponsors’ only obligation will be to provide the remainder of prize, if any.

Federal, state, and local taxes associated with the receipt or use of the prize, if any, are the sole responsibility of the Winner and Runners-Up. Winner and Runners-Up must provide a validly completed IRS Form W-9 to the Sponsors. An IRS Form 1099 reflecting the final actual value of any prize valued at $600 or more, if required by law, will be issued to the Winner and Runners-Up by the Sponsors. The final value of the prize will be determined at the sole discretion of the Sponsors based upon elements used to fulfill the prize.

Releases: By participating, the Entrants, Winner and Runners-Up agree to be bound by these official rules and the decisions of the Sponsors/Judges, which shall be final in all respects. By entering the Contest, Entrants agree to execute in a timely manner and by any deadline set by Sponsors any and all paperwork requested by the Sponsors which may include, but is not limited to, background checks and any release forms, prior to any online or on air appearance of Entrants, Winner and Runners-Up participating in the videotaped or live broadcast, or use of Entrants’ submissions or related materials.

All submissions will become the sole property of the Sponsors, which may reprint or otherwise exploit the entries in any manner, in any media, worldwide, in perpetuity.

The Winner and Runners-Up may be required to sign and return affidavits of eligibility, releases and indemnifications within twenty-four (24) hours days of notification of winning.

By participating in this Contest and accepting any prize that they may win, Entrants agree to release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Sponsors, Prize Provider, DreamWorks Animation, their parent, subsidiary, affiliated and successor companies, licensees, advertising and promotion agencies and prize suppliers, and each of their respective officers, directors, agents, representatives and employees, as well as each of their respective successors, representatives and assigns (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from, but not limited to, any and all actions, complaints, claims, injuries, liabilities, fees (including reasonable attorney’s fees), royalties, costs, losses or damages arising in any manner, directly or indirectly, by whomever or wherever asserted, from a.) Entrants’ participation in the Contest, b.) Sponsors’ exercise of the rights granted herein and/or c.) the acceptance, use or misuse of any prize or portion of any prize. Sponsors are not obligated to use any of the above mentioned information or materials, but may do so and may edit such information or materials, at Sponsors’ sole discretion, without further obligation or compensation to the Entrants, or any other affiliated party. By submitting materials hereunder, you hereby grant to the Sponsors, their parents, subsidiaries, licensees and affiliated companies, and each of their respective officers, directors, agents, servants, representatives, shareholders and employees, as well as each of their respective successors, representatives and assignees the exclusive right to use and distribute your submission, as well as your likeness, picture, voice, name and biographical material (all such materials are sometimes collectively referred to as the “Materials”) in any and all manner, methods, formats and media now known or hereafter created, including without limitation, all forms of television, radio, internet, cable, satellite, wireless applications, home video products and devices, etc., in connection with the Contest, the Production, ABC’s programming, and in all advertising and promotion for the foregoing, throughout the universe, in perpetuity.

Entrants acknowledge that any entry materials may be included and/or discussed in a broadcast, that such discussion may include statements or opinions by the broadcast talent or others about the Entrants, the Entrants’ appearances and/or the materials, and that those statements and opinions may be considered surprising, humiliating, embarrassing, derogatory, defamatory or otherwise offensive or injurious to them, Sponsors’ employees, their studio or at-home audience and/or other third parties. Entrants release the Released Parties from any actions, claims, injury, loss or damage allegedly caused, directly or indirectly, by any such statements or opinions made during a broadcast.

Sponsors are not responsible for failed, partial or garbled computer transmissions, or for technical failures of any kind, including but not limited to electronic malfunction or damage of any network, hardware or software. If for any reason the Contest is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or other causes that corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Contest, Sponsors reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process, and to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest. No responsibility is assumed for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries; or any problems or technical malfunctions of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any e-mail or electronic entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any Web-site, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to Entrant’s or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participation in or downloading any materials from this Contest. In the event of a dispute over an electronic entry, prize will be awarded to the owner of the e-mail account, not the name on the entry form.

To claim prize: (a) Winner and Runners-Up must provide proof of age, identity and residency; (b) Winner and Runners-Up must sign and return required affidavits of eligibility/compliance with rules, publicity/liability release and indemnification, and (c) Winner and Runners-Up must also agree to complete and submit any additional releases, indemnifications and other requisite paperwork as specified at the discretion of the Sponsors, all within the time period specified by Sponsors.

Miscellaneous; Winner Posting: Void where prohibited. All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply.

Sponsors reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process and to cancel, terminate, modify and/or suspend the Contest in the event of tampering or other circumstances, including but not limited to acts of God or civil disturbance that render it impractical or impossible to complete or fulfill the Contest as originally planned.

Official rules will be posted on goodmorningamerica.com; For a winner's list, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: ““GMA BRINGS ‘HOME’ TO YOUR HOMETOWN” CONTEST" c/o ABC News, Room 616, 7 West 66th Street, New York, New York, 10023, by April 30, 2015. ****************************************************