Kyron Horman's Parents Plead With Step Mom to Cooperate With Police

Parents ask Terri Horman to help "bring Kyron home."

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 20, 2010, 1:32 PM

PORTLAND, Ore. July 1, 2010 — -- The parents of missing 7-year-old Kyron Horman pleaded today with the boy's step-mother to cooperate with police and to help "bring Kyron home."

The emotional news conference was the latest indication that stepmother Terri Horman is under increasing scrutiny by those investigating Kyron's disappearance nearly a month ago.

Kyron's mother Desire Young made the appeal to Terri Horman along with her ex-husband and Kyron's father Kaine Horman. Kaine Harmon served Terri Horman with divorce papers this past weekend and has obtained a restraining order against her.

"We implore Terri Horman to fully cooperate with investigators to bring Kyron home," Young told reporters.

Terri Horman has remained out of sight since Kyron vanished June 4 and has maintained her silence in the face of the growing focus by investigators and the media. She instead has hired prominent Portland criminal defense lawyer Stephen Houze and was seen in his company as she returned home Wednesday night.

Young and Kaine Horman were intent, however, on keeping the public interested in the search for their boy.

"We lean on each other. We use Kyron as our strength. We pray each day for resolution and for Kyron," Young said."Not knowing where he is is the most difficult."

Kaine Horman said, "We miss his toothless smile... that every day happy noise in the house when he's playing."

His mother added, "I want everyone in world to know who Kyron is and what he looks like."

"We are optimistic that Kyron will be found... All of us feel fully confident in investigation," she said.

Police have not named Horman or anyone else as a suspect or person of interest in the case.