Hardest-Hit Unit From Iraq War Deploys to Afghanistan, Leaving Families Behind

One sergeant's wife gives birth to their first child while he stays by her side

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 23, 2010, 1:55 PM

Dec. 24, 2010 — -- For the past five months, a small team of ABC News producers has been embedded with the Marines of Lima Company and their families in Columbus, Ohio. Lima Company was the hardest-hit unit in the Iraq War five years ago -- in 2005, the unit lost 23 men and more than 40 were wounded.

Now, five years later, Lima Company has been called to serve again, deploying this time to Helmand Province, Afghanistan, a Taliban stronghold, leaving their families behind. This time, so far, Lima has been safe.

"Not coming home is the biggest fear for everybody," said Sgt. Ken Pompilli, who is on his second deployment. "But we're all well-trained. We're all going to come home."

For Sgt. Pompilli, being away from his family has been especially difficult this time around. After having trouble conceiving a baby, the Pompillis decided to put it on the back burner, but as soon as they decided to put it off Melanie became pregnant.

That was before he left for Afghanistan in August. Like every first time father, Pompilli wanted to be there for Melanie during the pregnancy.

"I'm upset I won't be there for the birth," Pompilli said. " I just hope the baby is okay, that it's born healthy…. I'm hoping to at least be there with Skype on that day -- or pictures or anything so that I can actually see her. A phone call would be nice, but if I can actually see my daughter it will be fantastic."

On Thanksgiving Day, Pompilli got a surprise call -- his wife was going into labor a week early. "I'm nervous, I'm scared, I'm mad, I'm going through each and every emotion I can think of right now," Pompilli said.

With help from Cpl. Jason Walls, Pompilli turned his armored vehicle into a mobile communications center. With three laptops and a surprisingly steady Internet connection, they were able to see Melanie in the delivery room in Columbus, Ohio.