Love Family Statement

The family of Yeardley Love said the have "faith in the justice system."

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 12, 2011, 12:49 PM

April 11, 2011— -- The family of Yeardley Love released this statement today:

"We miss Yeardley so very much and will work tirelessly to honor her legacy. It is truly devastating to wake up each day and realize she is no longer here. Her bright bright future was stolen from us all. Yeardley's contagious smile, kind spirit and gentle touch have left this world but we know heaven now has an angel like no other. We will never be able to sufficiently thank everyone for their outpouring of love, support and prayers. They have given us the strength to continue and we are eternally grateful to each and everyone of them. We have faith in the justice system and trust that the truth will prevail."