Kyron Horman's Parents Long for the 'Little Moments' With Missing Son

Terri Horman's Facebook support page lashes back at speculation.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 4, 2010, 1:28 PM

Aug. 2, 2010 — -- Two months after Kyron Horman vanished from his Oregon elementary school, his parents say it's the little things about the bespectacled boy they miss the most.

"He helps me shave my head and likes to rub my head for the three or four days while it's still short. Going out to feed the cat together, or our morning walks down to the bus," his father, Kaine Horman told "Good Morning America. "Every day, I miss those. I miss him."

Horman's estranged wife Terri Horman continues to bear the brunt of the speculation about what may have happened to the 7-year-old on June 4 after he vanished following an early morning school science fair.

Kaine Horman and Kyron's mother, Desiree Young, have maintained that they believe Terri Horman was involved with the disappearance and that she was helped by a close friend, DeDe Spicher.

Terri Horman has not been charged in Kyron's disappearance or an alleged murder-for-hire plot in which authorities believe she asked a landscaper to kill Kaine Horman. Spicher has also not been charged. She was subpoenaed last week to testify before a grand jury.

On Sunday, Kyron's photo was noticeably absent from Terri Horman's support page on Facebook, replaced with a picture of Terri Horman smiling and the words, "There is not one piece of physical evidence that proves Terri is involved with Kyron's disappearance, only rumors, innuendo and speculation."

Terri Horman has remained steadfastly silent through most of the investigation, only releasing brief statements through her attorney that she did not have anything to do with Kyron's disappearance.

Young remains unconvinced.

"I have tried to put my head inside hers and I can't," she said. "It's difficult in this situation because you have someone who is so close to you basically betray you."

"You try to put a logical sense or even a thought process behind it," she said, "and the next event comes up and it completely blows it away."

Both Kaine Horman and Young said they are waiting for the day he comes home alive.

"You have to grab every moment you can. That's what life's about -- the little moments," Young said. "That's what life is and that's what you hold on to and cherish everyday."

Multnomah County Sheriff's Office officials announced last week that the reward money for information leading to Kyron would be doubled to $50,000, with the money coming from an anonymous donor.

Young has said that she believes Terri Horman has "stashed" her son somewhere.